Some Grandma's marathoners running with special purpose

In just a few days, thousands of runners will take off from a spot on Highway 61 outside Two Harbors, and jog 26.2 miles along the North Shore and through Duluth, and finishing at the city's lift bridge.

It's Grandma's marathon, and this year, there will be a group running the half and full marathon with special intent. It's a group calling itself Team Hope and theyre running to call attention to, and raise money for, the fight against pancreatic cancer.

A member of the race's board of directors has pancreatic cancer, and the disease has touched all 48 people running the race for Team Hope. Nancy Marion is one of them. The Duluth's native's mother died of the disease and her two teenage sons have pancreatic tumors. She has similar precancers tumors herself. MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with Marion.