Daily Circuit Blog

Good reads: Nostalgic for Ray Bradbury and Mr. Rogers

The Daily Circuit team was saddened by Ray Bradbury's death. A couple Bradbury stories for you.

Emily Kaiser: When I heard about the death of Ray Bradbury Wednesday, I immediately thought about his excellent short story "The Pedestrian." Had to go back and reread it.

Kryssy Pease: Perhaps the last thing Ray Bradbury ever wrote?

If you missed the interview Kerri did with the director of the Center for Ray Bradbury Studies, listen to our audio.

Incidentally, we will be doing a show about science fiction book picks next Tuesday at 10. Be sure to call in and tell us what you're reading!

Maddy Mahon: Some ladies and I have a running email thread of bizarre real mystery stories. The Chameleon is the latest one my friend Amy shared. Who doesn't love a creepy lunch-hour read?

Alex DiPalma: Inspiration for a show next week - tune in June 12 at 9! As author Susan Headden says, "most of what [we] know about school testing is about to change. That much is relatively certain" - and yet many people aren't aware of these massive changes in education policy.

Tom Weber shared this creative remix honoring Mr. Rogers, "Did you ever grow anything in the garden of your mind?" Trippy, creepy or awesome?

Meggan Ellingboe: Yesterday we celebrated Prince's birthday. Yea Geminis! Anyways, did you know that the Joffrey Ballet performed a full-length rock ballet to the music of Prince? It's called Billboards and here's a snippet for you. It was naughty, fun and one of the most successful commercial ballets in history.