The Cities Blog

Zombies prepare for attack in rural Minnesota this weekend

Be prepared. Zombies are descending on Minnesota this weekend to

eat your brains

participate in a 5K obstacle course.

If you've ever wanted to jump into a pool of fake blood or test your ability to flee the undead, the Run for Your Lives 5K in Millville on Saturday is the event for you.

(Photo courtesy of Run for Your Lives)

Contestants will race through an obstacle course wearing a flag belt, pursued by zombies who will try to grab as many of your "health flags" as possible. You can also collect "health bonuses" along the way. If you finish the race with no flags, you become a zombie. If not, you live to fight another day.

A note of caution, from the event's website:

"You will be covered in mud, zombie guts, body parts, and other apocalyptic liquids after the race so bring a towel and change of clothing (especially socks and clean shoes to change into)."

The website includes a Frequently Asked Questions section, with queries like:

"Can I bring weapons to protect myself against the undead?"

"No. Your only weapons will be your abilities to run away and make quick decisions. Train well."

"I have trained my dog/car/bird/young child to defend me in case of a zombie apocalypse, can they race with me?

"No. Only registered participants meeting the age requirements will be allowed to navigate the course. Please do not bring any pets to race or to party; they will be eaten by zombies."

"Will the zombies be grabbing, tripping, or biting participants?"

"Our zombies have specific instructions to only grab the participants' flags. We have trained them well, and most of the Zombies have the biting urge under control."

"Will the zombies be chasing me slowly or quickly? Are they the walking dead or the running dead?"

"If we told you every detail, this wouldn't be fun at all. Our best advice: be prepared to run, duck, dive, and dodge."

The race concludes with an Apocalypse Party (of course). If you'd prefer to watch other people's brains eaten by zombies, spectators tickets are available online.