Walker raises $5.8M since April 24

Gov. Scott Walker has raised more than $30 million since he took office, including at least $5.8 million in the last five weeks.

Walker reported his latest fundraising totals on Tuesday, a week before he faces Democratic challenger Tom Barrett in the recall election.

Walker reported raising $5 million between April 24 and May 21. Additional reports show he has brought in another $800,000 since then.

Barrett reported raising about $3.4 million over the same five-week period and about $4.2 million since getting into the race.

Walker reported several large donations, including $100,000 from Richard Pieper of Pieper Electric in Milwaukee. Walker also got $50,000 from Richard Roberts, president of URL Pharma in Philadelphia and $25,000 from Max Carney, chief executive officer of Midwest Insurance Co. in Springfield, Ill.