Walker Art Center announces next season lineup

The Walker Art Center announced on Thursday six commissions and three world premieres as it released details of its 2012-2013 performing arts season.

The season features artists from all over the world, as well as local performers, and includes concerts and other live shows.

This year, the Walker is trying to present what amount to mini-festivals that examine in greater depth the work of individual artists, said Philip Bither, the art center's senior curator of performing arts.

"It allows us to look historically, and through the ideas that are generated by these creators, who are essential to our culture," Bither said.

"People can get a sense of the breadth and the context of what they are seeing."

Jazz musician and composer John Zorn, dancer and choreographer Deborah Hay, and jazz pianist and Minnesota native Craig Taborn all will be featured. The season also includes a festival of new works from African women, the 40th anniversary of the Walker's choreographer's evening, and the 25th Out There performance festival, and musician Laurie Anderson will explore politics and storytelling just before the November election.