Daily Circuit Blog

Human trafficking and you: How are your habits fueling it?

You might have heard Tom Weber's interview this morning with Ambassador-at-Large Luis Cdebaca, who directs the U.S. State Department's efforts to combat human trafficking. The part of the conversation that aired focused on the recent conviction of three Twin Cities men in a multi-state sex trafficking ring, and why the Twin Cities ranks 13th on the FBI's list of human trafficking centers.

But human trafficking encompasses much more than prostitution and sex trafficking. Bonded labor is used in much of Southeast Asia's shrimping industry, to name one example. As Tom mentioned at the end of the interview, he and the Ambassador also discussed how consumers can find out their role in human trafficking, and how we can avoid buying products that are connected to modern-day slavery. Here's an excerpt from that part of the conversation:

If you're interested in finding out how many slaves work for you to sustain your lifestyle, go to Slavery Footprint.org

--Chris Dall, senior producer