Bullying task force in Mankato Monday

A state task force on bullying holds a listening session for students and parents in Mankato on Monday evening.

Task force co-chair Walter Roberts Jr. says the group wants to hear what has worked, and hasn't worked, in the community when it comes to bullying prevention.

"The purpose of these sessions is for people to tell us, share with us, what is on their mind with regard to what we're doing and what we need to do better," Roberts said.

Reports that bullying may have played a role in two teen suicides in southern Minnesota recently emphasizes the importance of the task force's work.

"That increases the pressure and the commitment on the task force to make sure whatever recommendations are good, solid, sound," Roberts said.

Critics of current state law say it's weak on preventing bullying, and doesn't provide school districts with guidance on what to put in their own bullying policies.

The task force has until Aug. 1 st forward its recommendations to Gov. Mark Dayton .