Walker kicks off Wisconsin GOP convention

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker appears at a news conference Friday, March 23, 2012, about the St. Croix Crossing project, which will replace the 80-year-old lift bridge that connects the two states in Stillwater. Walker says Republicans gathering for the annual state convention this weekend in Green Bay should be focused on ensuring he and five other Republicans survive June 5 recall elections.
MPR photo/Jennifer Simonson

Embattled Gov. Scott Walker says Republicans gathering for the annual state convention this weekend in Green Bay should be focused on ensuring he and five other Republicans survive June 5 recall elections.

He spoke Friday at a news conference before attending a scheduled three-hour meet and greet with an estimated 1,000 supporters. That event was closed to press.

Walker says the one unifier for people at the convention will be ensuring he and the others win the recalls. Walker faces Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and three GOP state senators also face recall. A fourth senator resigned rather than stand for election and that seat will be determined June 5 as well.

Walker and a host of other Republican office holders were scheduled to speak Saturday.