On Campus Blog

MN employers: Students need common sense, work ethic

Finding people who want to work and not just collect a paycheck is next to impossible. The skill most lacking is a work ethic. Not to mention, it is nigh on impossible to find a creative mind in today's work place.

-Mark Hayes, head of Research and Development for a small company

We just recently posted an opening. Our last opening was in February of 2011. We haven't had many applicants applying. Today I received a resume through email. The applicant had used a form letter he found online and hadn't "filled in" the blanks. If it wasn't so funny it would be sad.

-Ann Iverson, works for a small manufacturing company

While reporting an MPR radio story on skills that Minnesota employers are looking for, colleague Molly Bloom and I queried some of the employers in our Public Insight Network to hear what they had to say.

Looks like some of the skills they want just can't be taught in a classroom. Molly wrote it up in News Cut, which you can read here.