Minn. reaction to NC same-sex marriage vote

North Carolina's passage of a constitutional amendment that would ban same sex marriage is generating reaction in Minnesota. Voters here will face a similar question on the November ballot.

Minnesota for Marriage, a group that wants to define marriage in the state constitution as only between one man and one woman, hailed the vote in North Carolina. The group notes that the North Carolina vote is the latest in an unbroken string of victories in every state that's put the question to voters.

Chairman John Helmberger called the win, "a heavy blow to same sex-marriage supporters not only in North Carolina, but across the nation."

On the other side, Richard Carlbom, the campaign manager for Minnesotans United for All Families, the largest group working to defeat the amendment, called the vote "disappointing."

Still, he stressed that amendment opponents have until November to have conversations with friends, family members, and neighbors about why marriage matters for everyone.

"I am not discouraged. North Carolina in May and Minnesota in November are entirely different," he said in a statement.