Did Jesus exist?

'Did Jesus Exist?' by Bart Ehrman
Book cover courtesy of publisher

In "Did Jesus Exist?" Bart D. Ehrman looks at the atheists, humanists, and conspiracy theorists who are asking about the existence of Jesus.

Ehrman's book delves into the existence of Jesus: Was he an invented character? Was he too far removed from the man we've come to know in the Bible?

"I keep telling Christians, they don't have to be afraid of the truth," Ehrman told Religion News Service. "The same thing applies to atheists and humanists. It's not going to kill them to think Jesus really existed.

Ehrman will join The Daily Circuit Monday to discuss his book.

VIDEO: The historical argument for Jesus of Nazareth by Bart Ehrman


Even though Ehrman is bringing a historical criteria to his research, he isn't dismissive of stories and gospel about Jesus.