Daily Circuit Blog

Help for distressed homeowners

On Tuesday's show while discussing the mixed signals we're getting on the U.S. economy, we received a call from a Brian in Le Sueur, Minn. He explained that he and his wife had to go into foreclosure after his son got sick, and that the bank wouldn't refinance because he made too much money.

Whenever we talk about the economy and the housing market on the program, we always get calls like this, and they're heartbreaking. It's another clear indication that the housing crisis is not over.

Since the guests on the program were not in the position to offer Brian any advice, I sent him some links to organizations that might be able to help him, and I'll post them here as well:

--Minnesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Association

--Center for Responsible Lending's Mortgage Resources for Consumers

--The Office of Attorney General Lori Swanson

--Foreclosure Relief Law Project

--Minnesota Homeownership Center