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Dayton talks taxes, pending votes

(MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire)

DFL Gov. Mark Dayton says Republican legislative leaders have not yet responded to the tax bill offer he presented to them yesterday.

Dayton told reporters today that his proposal includes a tax credit for employers who hire people who are currently out of work or veterans, an upfront rebate for business equipment purchases and additional funding for the state's angel investor program. But Dayton did not include the business property tax reduction that Republicans want. He said the GOP plan would "rob from the financial future of the state."

"In 14 years, it would cost the state $2.3 billion in revenue," Dayton said. "That's just fundamentally unfair to future legislatures and governors, as well as the fact that it's all focused on business property tax relief."

House and Senate Republicans have already agreed on a tax bill that includes the property tax provision for businesses. Lawmakers could vote on that bill any day.

Dayton said he was fine with the Legislature remaining in session as long as necessary to complete work on its three unresolved issues. Lawmakers missed their self-imposed April 30 deadline for adjournment. In addition to the tax bill, they have not yet taken votes on a bonding bill or a Vikings stadium bill. Dayton said he doesn't want the disagreements over taxes to hold up the other two issues.

"The stadium bill deserves an up or down vote," he said. "The bonding bill bill deserves an up or down vote, and if they want to do a tax bill up or down vote, fine. Let's put everyone on the line, have up or down votes on the three remaining measures and then everybody can go home."

Dayton stressed that the bonding bill and stadium bill would result in thousands of needed jobs for construction workers. Republicans want to boost job growth through tax breaks for businesses.