Daily Circuit Blog

‘The Grey Fox’ and other overlooked films

Film critic Ken Turan is joining us Friday to talk about films you need to see that are largely overlooked. We want to get some suggestions of little-seen gems that you think other people should see.

My recommendation: "The Grey Fox". It's a little unethical to choose this film since you can't get it on DVD. But look for it on TV. Put it on your DVD queue on Netflix and maybe someone will make it available digitally.

"The Grey Fox" is based on a true story of a stagecoach robber who gets released from prison after three decades into a modern world of trains. He doesn't know how to do anything but rob, so he is inspired by "The Great Train Robbery" and becomes a train robber.

The film won the Best Film Genie, the Canadian version of Oscars, and Richard Farnsworth won the best foreign actor award (he was American.)

It's got a great love story and scenery that will have you booking a ticket to British Columbia.

What little-seen gem would you recommend? We'll discuss them on Friday.

--Stephanie Curtis, social media host