Good jobs sign: more online want ads

The number of online help-wanted ads for Minnesota jobs jumped in April, according to data from the New York-based research firm The Conference Board.

Online job vacancies in Minnesota grew by almost 6,000 in April. In addition, labor demand in the state hit its highest level since the Conference Board starting tracking the numbers in 2005 -- well before the recession hit.

June Shelp, vice president of the firm, says job postings in the state have been growing at a steady clip since the end of the recession, including this year.

Since January, the number of advertised vacancies has been up about 11 percent in Minnesota, according to Shelp.

Based on the most recent unemployment data available, the group says there were about 1.5 job seekers chasing every position posted online, compared to the recession's high point of five job seekers for every vacancy.

But Shelp cautions that there can be a mismatch between the skills demanded by the positions available and those offered by jobseekers.