Herman Cain rouses waterlogged anti-tax rally

Herman Cain in St. Paul
Several hundred people braved cold weather and rain to listen to former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain at an anti-tax rally Saturday, April 28, 2012, at the Minnesota Capitol.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

Several hundred people braved cold weather and rain to listen to former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain at an anti-tax rally Saturday afternoon at the State Capitol.

Cain urged the crowd to work to overturn the federal tax code and to unify behind Mitt Romney in his campaign for president. Cain told reporters after the speech that Romney will have to make inroads with Republicans who backed other candidates during the primary season.

"He has some healing to do and he recognizes that," Cain said. "I met with him last Tuesday as a matter of a fact, and we talked about that there needs to be some healing. The good news is that he recognizes that. He's not dependent on people voting against Barack Obama to win."

Cain said he's also spending a lot of time encouraging college students to vote for Republicans.

Phil Krinkie, the president of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota, said those who attended the rally in the rain and cold are sending a signal to the Legislature to keep spending in check and vote against public subsidies for a Vikings stadium and for a public works construction bill.

"I think most of the people out here really believe that the budget is balanced and their life and liberty is more important than another piece of legislation let alone a Vikings stadium or a bonding bill," Krinke said.

Several Republican state legislators attended the event but none of them spoke. The Republican-controlled Legislature hopes to wrap up its work on Monday.