No agreements yet on bonding, tax bills

Minnesota House Speaker Kurt Zellers says a private meeting with DFL Gov. Mark Dayton Thursday morning focused on a bonding bill and tax bill, but there were no agreements reached.

Republican leaders were meeting again with Dayton during the afternoon to discuss end-of-session issues. Zellers said the Vikings stadium bill did not come up during the meeting. When it comes to the tax bill, Zellers said a GOP-backed proposal to scale back the statewide property tax on businesses is still on the table.

"We like it from an inflator standpoint, because that takes the future increases off, then you just have that base rate," Zellers said. "But it's one thing that's open for negotiation. The Senate feels very strongly about it. We feel strongly about it as well. But it's one of those things that are a part of negotiations. Not everybody gets what they want."

Dayton has said he won't accept the tax policy changes that Republicans want unless they pass a larger bonding bill, which is one of his session priorities.