Daily Circuit Blog

Is law school worth the cost?

Tomorrow's show takes on the potentially controversial question: "What's the value of a law degree?" Given my own experience of attending law school, this is a bittersweet question. I certainly value the education and vast amount of knowledge I gained; it comes in handy on The Daily Circuit.

However, the recent years have not been kind to the legal profession nor to recent graduates. For a profession once traditionally thought of as an economic security blanket, current circumstances may leave many prospective applicants wondering if they should bother to apply at all. Lawyer friends of mine who did graduate in 2008 faced many more ups and downs than they likely anticipated--and perhaps more than those of earlier graduating classes.

Tomorrow's show is addressing a serious question from a variety of perspectives. I hope that we can have a respectful conversation on what one should consider in applying to schools and what schools could do to better prepare students for the realities of the profession. As my dad, an attorney, says, "Your clients don't care where you went to school and your GPA. They just want to know you can help them."

I look forward to hearing your advice, stories and questions. As we can probably concur, lawyers like to give advice.

--Meggan Ellingboe, assistant producer