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Dayton calls Voter ID amendment “A wolf in sheep’s clothing”

Governor Dayton has ceremoniously vetoed a proposed constitutional amendment that would require people to present a photo ID to vote. Dayton's veto won't prevent the measure from going to the voters in November but he said he's vetoing the bill because the Legislature sent it to him in bill form.

Dayton says the amendment could disenfranchise thousands of voters, including overseas military members and seniors who are unable to drive. Dayton says ending same-day registration and replacing it with a provisional balloting system could lower the state's nation-leading voter participation.

"This amendment is a proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing," Dayton said. "It goes far beyond its purported intention to require photo identification. Instead it dismantled Minnesota's best in the nation election system.

Republicans argue that the proposal is needed to ensure the integrity of the state's election system. The constitution would be amended if a majority of the ballots cast in November favor of the amendment.


Here's a statement by GOP Senate Majority Leader Dave Senjem on Dayton's veto:

"Governor Dayton's mock veto today of the Voter ID constitutional amendment is completely misleading and intervenes with a constitutional process allowed our citizens. After the historic votes in the House and Senate, Minnesotans will now have the opportunity to weigh in on whether a photo ID should be required in order to vote. The Governor's action today misleads voters by suggesting the Governor has the authority to override the legislature's right to place a question on the ballot. Governor Dayton acted today as an obstruction to the democratic process by undermining this important legislative measure."

Here's Dayton's veto letter:

4.9.12 Voter ID