AFSCME: Video attacking Barrett was 'over the top'

Tom Barrett
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett speaks to reporters at Babe's Sports Bar and Grill, in this photo taken Sunday, Oct. 31, 2010, in Madison, Wis. Barrett is among four Democrats seeking to unseat Wis. Gov. Scott Walker in a recall election.
AP Photo/Ryan J. Foley

Wisconsin's largest public employees union says it used poor judgment when it directed members to an Internet video attacking Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett.

In a statement on its website, the Wisconsin chapter of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees acknowledges the video was "over the top."

The video released last week incorrectly implies that Barrett supported Republican Gov. Scott Walker's changes to collective bargaining.

In Saturday's Internet posting, AFSCME thanks members for sharing concern about the union's decision to publicly air its ``disappointment'' in Barrett. Yet the statement still criticizes Barrett's record.

Barrett spokesman Phil Walzak says Barrett has made it clear he supports full restoration of collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin.

Barrett is among four Democrats seeking to unseat Walker in a recall election.