Daily Circuit Blog

5 Titanic myths and charging grizzlies with crime

What our production staff has been reading this week:

Maddy Mahon - Our Thursday conversation on young people with cancer brought in a lot of calls from parents with children who struggled with cancer. This New Yorker article from 2011 is a beautiful and heartbreaking read about one father's experience of his infant daughter's cancer. Be warned: If you read it at work you may end up in tears at your desk.

Emily Kaiser - What happens when a grizzly bear commits a crime?

(A grizzly bear waits to be fed at The Wild Animal Sanctuary on October 20, 2011 in Keenesburg, Colorado. Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Chris Dall - From Slate's Future Tense project, an article about how farmers helped Cuban agriculture survive and thrive after the Cold War, without the use of chemicals.

Meggan Ellingboe - In the last few months, a former co-worker who is active in Minnesota's Tibetan community has been posting quite a bit about the rising number of self-immolations in Tibet to protest China's rule. Last week I was stunned, although I probably shouldn't have been, to learn that this is the largest wave in history. While one self-immolation seemed to have sparked an Arab Spring last year, it seems that Tibet is still waiting for the world to see its struggle. This New Yorker piece highlights an insightful AP piece explaining the historic and cultural significance of why protestors are using self-immolations as a form of protest.

Kryssy Pease - Yeah, a bit of a downer, but very interesting, especially given our show this week on dolphin brains. And maybe I'm hyper-sensitive to sad animals as I am leaving my new kitten alone for the first time this weekend. But fear not, Tom Weber will check in on Feluś a couple times while I'm gone.

Tom Weber - From BBC Magazine: Five myths about the Titanic spread by film.

--Stephanie Curtis, social media host