National Geographic photographer on capturing nature's extremities

Paul Nicklen
National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen.
Courtesy Paul Nicklen

National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen will speak as part of the Institute on the Environment's Momentum series Thursday at the University of Minnesota.

During his talk, "From Pole to Pole: Diary of a National Geographic Photojournalist," Nicklen will share images of life at the extremes ends of the Earth, talk about his face-off with a leopard seal in Antarctica and his attempts to capture narwhals on film in the Canadian Arctic.

"I call myself an interpreter and a translator," Nicklen said in National Geographic. "I translate what the scientists are telling me. If we lose ice, we stand to lose an entire ecosystem. I hope we can realize through my photography how interconnected these species are to ice. It just takes one image to get someone's attention."

Nicklen joins The Daily Circuit Thursday to talk about his adventures.


Nicklen sees these experiences in remote places as meditative and restorative.

Nicklen speaks April 5 at the University of Minnesota's Ted Mann Concert Hall in Minneapolis, 7:30 p.m.