EPA registers suppliers of 15% ethanol fuel

The Environmental Protection Agency this week started registering suppliers, but gasoline sellers say it could be some time before gasoline with 15 percent ethanol sees wide distribution.

Ethanol supporters says the registration is a major step forward in the three-year effort to get the fuel approved for the marketplace.

The EPA previously OK'd E15 for 2001 vehicles and newer.

The fuel could be sold by this summer in some locations, however widespread adoption of the fuel could take a while, said Jeff Lenard with the National Association of Convenience Stores. Some retailers are reluctant to support the new blend.

Jeff Lenard with the National Association of Convenience Stores says

"I don't think retailers are necessarily going to stick their neck out on something that is nice to do but may not be nice to their business," Lenard said.

He said members want assurances they won't be sued if there are problems with the product or if someone pumps the product into an unapproved vehicle, and want Congress to protect them from lawsuits.

"Retailers want to sell the fuel that customers want," Lenard said. "But they just need to do it in a way that also is good for their business. Retailers need to look at possible downsides before they jump in en masse into selling E15 and higher blends."