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Dayton won’t support teacher tenure bill

Negotiations on a teacher tenure bill are expected to wrap up later today after a last ditch effort to get DFL Gov. Mark Dayton's support failed.

The Republican co-chairs of the conference committee on the bill met privately with Dayton but were unable to win his support. They say he instead promised a veto. The bill makes sure teacher layoffs are based partially on job performance, not just seniority. Republican Sen. Pam Wolf, R-Spring Lake Park, said the bill enjoys broad support from many education organizations.

"The only ones who opposes this bill is Education Minnesota, the commissioner and the governor," Wolf said. "I've had no other opponents to this bill. As a teacher, it's frustrating that we're going to continue to tell teachers it doesn't matter how good you are in the classroom. It matters when you signed your contract."

Gov. Dayton said he shares Wolf's goal, but he wants more time for a new statewide teacher evaluation system to take shape.