Daily Circuit Blog

Benjamin Busch and a moment of calm

As you're well aware, a lot happens between 9 and noon on The Daily Circuit. Even more so behind the scenes. That's why I can almost never remember what people said on the show. But today, during the conversation with Benjamin Busch, I actually had a chance to sit back and listen to the conversation. What a pleasure.

Busch was on the show to discuss his new memoir, "Dust to Dust," but the first 20 minutes of the interview went down a completely different path. He talked about the shooting rampage in Afghanistan that left 17 dead, PTSD, his two tours in Iraq and the bonds of soldiers. Then he talked about coming home from his first tour to his 1-year-old daughter who didn't know him at all, and how he had to help her understand that he was her father. It was a compelling moment.

Afterward, in another rare moment, we got to spend a few minutes chatting with Ben. Usually, guests are whisked away right after we're off the air. We learned that he's traveling to every state to promote the book, that his father (author Frederick Busch) didn't like doing interviews, and that his publisher spent an inordinate amount of time airbrushing a chicken out of his author photo.

(The original photo is credited to Adrienne Rush/Richard Mallory Allnutt. This photo of the photo is taken by Stephanie Curtis. Her finger is approximately where the chicken was.)

Just another day on the Daily Circuit.

-- Chris Dall, senior producer