Bachmann protests health care law at Supreme Court

Bachmann at the Supreme Court
Rep. Michele Bachmann speaks to supporters outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday, March 27, 2012.
MPR Photo/Brett Neely

As the Supreme Court hears arguments this week on the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health care law, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann continues her campaign against the legislation.

Protesters supporting the health care law outnumbered the law's opponents in front of the Supreme Court on the second day of the court's three days of hearings.

Bachmann's national profile soared in part due to her strong opposition to the law and work rallying tea party groups against it. And she remained combative today, as protesters sought to drown her and other tea party-allied speakers out.

"You see we are surrounded right now by those [who] will benefit by socialism," she said. "We are surrounded by those who will benefit from the government telling you what you must do."

Bachmann said later that if the Supreme Court finds the law is constitutional, that the issue of health care will be single biggest issue in this fall's election.

Bachmann told reporters the law cedes too much power to the White House.

"This law has turned our president into a health care dictator," she said. "Whoever will be the president in the future when it comes to election time, it isn't just a president we're electing, it's a health care dictator. It changes the composition of our very government, and that's why this decision is momentous."

Bachmann also claimed the law was also to blame for the slow economic recovery and would only plunge the nation deeper in debt.