DFL businessman McGoldrick challenges Bachmann

Democratic small businessman Brian McGoldrick is entering the race for Congress in Minnesota's 6th District against Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann.

McGoldrick has never run for office but he said he's worked a lot with government as the owner of numerous small businesses. McGoldrick lives northeast of Stillwater in May Township on the far southern border of the new 6th District. He owns a restaurant and marina in White Bear Lake called Admiral D's.

In announcing his campaign for Congress, McGoldrick had harsh words for Bachmann. He accused Bachmann of pursuing national politics rather than focusing on helping her constituents find jobs and manage housing issues.

"You won't find me off in foreign countries or on TV talk shows hawking a book," he said. "Folks, I know Minnesota's 6th District and it isn't located somewhere down in Iowa."

He also took issue with the notion that government stands in the way of job creation.

"Michele Bachmann will tell you government doesn't create jobs," he said. "Nonsense. I've negotiated with government officials to help create jobs. I look forward the opportunity to roll up my sleeves and improve the business of government with policies that are reasonable, fair and thoughtful. Folks, it's time to stop demonizing government."

McGoldrick joins St. Cloud Democrat Anne Nolan in seeking the party endorsement to run against Bachmann. McGoldrick said he will abide by the endorsement process and drop out if someone else is endorsed. Nolan said she will also abide by the endorsement, but only if it takes place as scheduled on April 14.