Wis. congressman proposes budget, Medicare change

Members of Minnesota's congressional delegation are responding to a new budget proposal by Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan.

Ryan's plan makes changes to Medicare by eliminating guaranteed health insurance coverage for seniors in exchange for a new government voucher for healthcare.

Over the past year, Republican Chip Cravaack's 8th District has been bombarded with negative advertisements highlighting his vote for an earlier version of the plan.

He is likely to support the Ryan budget again, he said.

"If I'm under the fire for trying to do the right thing and trying to protect our seniors, so be it," Cravaack said.

Republicans are wrong to describe their plan as "saving Medicare," DFL Congressman Keith Ellison said.

"They never liked the program, they always described it as socialistic," Ellison said. "There's no shortage of efforts to kill it and here we go again."

The Ryan budget is almost certain to pass the House next week on a party-line vote, but is unlikely to get a vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate.