Daily Circuit Blog

Cute baby goats, Ciudad Juarez and why you shouldn’t spend a lot on wine

The production team spend all week booking guests, interviewing experts, and compiling research. While they do this, they read a lot of interesting things. I asked everyone to give us something to read.

Madelyn Mahon: This is my pick of the week because first, it's NPR's food blog, which I love, and second, it's combining wine and science! The study also validates my sophisticated preference for three buck chuck and makes me feel a little smarter...I also loved this restaurant review out of Grand Forks.

Emily Kaiser: After our segment with Katherine Boo last week, I came across another great narrative piece by her in The New Yorker from 2005 about a Hurricane Katrina evacuation center. I also recommend watching baby goats in sweaters.

Kryssy Pease: I'm an animal lover (I grew up with dogs and recently adopted a cat from a local humane society), but this is a bit extreme. When I go on vacation, I'll think about my pet but I don't need daily pictures of him and I certainly don't need to track him via GPS on my iPhone. And I really hope he's not serious about expanding to hamster vacations ...

Alex DiPalma: A story from back in 2008 that is still a great read.

Chris Dall: Soccer in the world's "most dangerous city."

Meggan Ellingboe: Speaking of French parenting, how about looking at that dynamic of kids entering the picture through long-time friendships?

-- Stephanie Curtis, social media host