Cube Critics: Talking about Tilda

Cube Critics
MPR's Cube Critics Euan Kerr, left, and Stephanie Curtis watch a film clip on a computer screen in the MPR newsroom.
MPR Photo/Chris Roberts

Every day is "Tilda Swinton Day" if you're arts reporter Euan Kerr, something that Movie Maven Stephanie Curtis is keenly aware of.

Swinton's latest film, "We Need to Talk About Kevin," in which she plays the troubled mother of a homicidal son, is up for discussion this week, as well as the much anticipated sci-fi flick, "John Carter," on Cube Critics.


Read and listen to Euan's interview with Lynne Ramsey, director of "We Need to Talk About Kevin," on the State of the Arts blog.

Here's the YouTube trailer for "We Need to Talk About Kevin."

Here's the YouTube trailer for "John Carter."