Bill to allow wolf hunting clears Senate committee

Trotting wolf
A wolf trots across a grain stubble field near Embarrass, Minn.
Steve Foss for MPR

A Minnesota Senate committee Tuesday approved a bill for a wolf hunt that would start in the fall.

Farmer and hunting groups testified in support of a season for wolf hunting; animal rights and conservation groups opposed starting it this year.

The state is ready to allow wolf hunting, said committee chair Bill Ingebrigtsen, R-Alexandria.

Don Arnosti of Minnesota Audubon told members of the Senate Environment Committee that the right management of wolves will be important as the state takes over from the federal government.

"'Right' is not just about the hunting season, right is about the full management plan, where there's a lot involved in that," Arnosti said. "I don't believe the DNR has really fully thought through all of the components and all of the costs."

Arnosti also said it is unclear how much money will be available to continue trapping problem wolves.