Child care provider unionization effort in limbo

An effort to unionize state-subsidized child care providers remains in limbo after a second court hearing Wednesday in Ramsey County.

After hearing additional testimony in the lawsuit brought by unionization opponents, Judge Dale Lindman continued the temporary restraining that he issued in early December. Lindman took the case under advisement but did not indicate when he would rule.

The plaintiffs contend Gov. Mark Dayton exceeded his authority with an executive order that called for a statewide union vote among a specific group of child care providers.

The effort will continue regardless of the court case, said Jennifer Munt, a spokeswoman for AFSCME Council 5.

"We are not waiting for any judge or any right wing legislator to give us permission to advocate for kids, parents and child care providers," Munt said.

A plaintiff in the case said she's optimistic that a favorable court ruling will come soon.