Dayton asks Bachmann about funding for Stillwater bridge replacement

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann said she has spoken to Gov. Mark Dayton about his concern that without federal action soon, funding for a new St. Croix River bridge could be in jeopardy.

In a letter to Bachmann Tuesday, Dayton said the Minnesota Department of Transportation told him that unless a bill authorizing the bridge is signed into law by March 15, funding could be redirected to other projects.

Bachmann said she is working with the appropriate people in Congress to move the bill along, but did not say when she thought it would pass.

"I've continued to speak with our leadership about this issue and we intend to move forward so whatever measures we need to make, we will make," Bachmann said. "Gov. Dayton told me that he would be happy to work on a letter with himself and [Wisconsin Gov. Scott] Walker in support of this bridge. I think the House Republican leadership knows that everyone's on board with this bridge. It's a matter of the legislative timetable."

The Senate passed the bridge legislation last month.