Daily Circuit Blog

Congrats, you’re now an American

We've gotten some nice feedback to the segment we aired on the Daily Circuit this morning on the naturalization ceremony that was held at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul:

Whew - got emotional listening to immigrants declaring the citizenship oath on @MPRNews. Thanks for broadcasting. #dailycircuit

— MariaEnergia (@MariaEnergia) February 21, 2012

Maria's tweet was referring to the audio from that ceremony we played at the end of the 10am hour of the actual oath that's taken before the newest citizens are officially declared Americans.

If you missed it, listen here:

There are two ceremonies being held at the Fitz today (note: MPR owns the Fitz), during which more than 300 people will become citizens.

Bonus material

- One of our show's producers, Meggan Ellingboe, recalls becoming an American many years ago.

- Another colleagues here at MPR, Mukhtar Ibrahim, also became a citizen last year (he was an intern at MPR at the time; several of us walked over to the Fitz to watch the ceremony). He wrote this commentary about that occassion.

- When a similiar ceremony was held at the Fitz in 2010, our awesome photographer Jeff Thompson took these photos.

-Tom Weber