Ahead of caucus, Santorum hits Romney on health care

Ahead of Tuesday's caucuses, Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum visited Rochester, Minn., Monday morning.

Speaking to a crowd of about 200 people gathered at the Kahler Grand Hotel in downtown Rochester, the former Pennsylvania senator criticized his rival Mitt Romney's health care plan in Massachusetts for its similarities to the new federal healthcare policy changes.

"I believe the health care system as currently put together by President [Barack] Obama will fundamentally change not only that system, but will change America in a way that will be injurious not only to our freedom and injurious to our overall economy.

Santorum said healthcare is the most fundamental issue of the campaign and that Romney is 'unqualified' on the issue.

Santorum said he has worked on healthcare issues for more than 20 years and is committed to ensuring that Americans are given freedom to make their own health care choices.

On Tuesday, the GOP contenders face caucuses in Minnesota and Colorado, and a primary in Missouri.

Santorum said healthcare is the most fundamental issue of the campaign and he said Romney is 'unqualified' on the issue.

"The fundamental problem with 'Romney-care' and 'Obama-care' is it dealt with access, not cost," Santorum said. "It didn't deal with anything dealing to reduce the cost of health care system —in fact, it put in things that we know will increase costs."