STOCK Act to get House vote next week

Rep. Tim Walz, DFL-Mankato, is looking forward to a vote in the House next week on a bill that would tighten rules on insider trading by members of Congress.

The Senate passed the bill last night, and Walz is one of the bill's main sponsors in the House. He said the legislation, known as the STOCK Act, is a just a small step to rebuilding the public's faith in Congress.

The House is expected to vote on the bill next week.

"For the critics who say there's more we can do, I'm all with them. Let's keep going now," Walz said. "The issue is when you have the ability to move something, move it when it's there. And tackle the next issue and continue to keep moving things forward."

Six of Minnesota's eight US House members have signed onto the bill. Republicans John Kline and Chip Cravaack are the only two who haven't co-sponsored the measure.

The bill's latest co-sponsor is Rep. Michele Bachman, R-Dist. 6, who signed onto the bill on Friday.

The measure now has more than 280 cosponsors in the House.