Central Minn. vets mark end of Iraq war

Veterans from central Minnesota gathered at the Veterans Affairs center in St. Cloud Monday night to mark the end of the war in Iraq.

Michael Mynczywor was in the first and second Iraq wars, most recently as a chaplain in 2005. He now works with returning vets at the VA in St. Cloud, making sure those who are returning from combat get enrolled in VA healthcare programs and receive any care they may need.

"When it was over I think you immediately start asking yourself well what was that all about? Was this meaningful what I did? Was it a value what I did?" Mynczywor said. "We just want them to know that we're here to help them with that if they need to process through any of that."

Mynczywor said he's still working on what the war means to him.

"We spent eight and a half years, you know, lost over 4,000 people," he said. "We just want to make sure that's honored."