Hockey Day Minn. raises $134K for paralyzed teen

Last weekend's Hockey Day Minnesota 2012 has raised more than $134,000 for a teenage player paralyzed in a hockey game.

The Minnesota Wild, FOX Sports North and Well Fargo on Tuesday announced the amount raised for the Jack Jablonski Trust Fund.

Saturday's Hockey Day Minnesota was dedicated to the Jablonski family. The fundraising included a telethon and online auction.

Jablonski's spinal cord was severed in a Dec. 30 hockey game when he was checked from behind and hit the boards. The 16-year-old Benilde-St. Margaret's sophomore left HCMC on Monday to enter the Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis.

On his CaringBridge website, Jablonski's family said they are "overwhelmed" by the response to Hockey Day Minnesota and thanked everyone who donated or helped the cause.

(Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)