
Putting lipstick on a parent

The Rosemount Town Pages editorial board is backing up Rosemount High School Principal John Wollersheim and his decision to pull a prank on some students at a pep rally. The prank involved blindfolding sports captains before a school assembly and telling they that they were going to get a kiss from a special someone. That special someone was one of their parents. The cringe inducing video is drawing negative comments as it makes its way around the pipes and tubes of the Internet.

Principal Wollersheim issued an apology this week, but in an editorial the Rosemount paper said the apology wasn't called for.

There is a lot of talk about Rosemount High School feeling like a community, and events like last week's pep fest are a big part of that. It was fun for everyone involved, and that's nothing to apologize for.

Was this prank community building or in bad taste?