Dayton: Electronic pull-tabs for stadium are best option so far

Gov. Mark Dayton says he thinks the recent hearings in the Minnesota Senate are helping build consensus about the best way to finance a new Vikings stadium.

Dayton said he hasn't decided whether the stadium should be built in Arden Hills or Minneapolis but says a plan to allow electronic pull-tabs in bars appears to be the best financing option.

"It's about as close to a win-win-win as you can get in this scheme of things and still provide the source of the revenues necessary to pay off whatever the state's share of the bonds will be," he said. "If someone has a better idea, I'm happy to listen to it but that seems to be the best one I've looked at so far."

Dayton and Vikings executives have been urging state lawmakers to pass a stadium financing plan. Lawmakers haven't put forward a plan yet but say they hope to have one soon.