DNR commissioner removes top 2 forestry officials

Changes to modernize the timber sales process are happening at the forestry division of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

The forestry division has been studying possible reorganization for two years. Streamlining will result in the elimination of two top positions and the reassignment of two forestry division officials.

DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr says Bob Tomlinson will concentrate on organizing land swaps with counties and Dave Epperly will work on revising 40-year-old laws governing timber sales.

Department officials said the change should result in long-term improvements in the state's land and timber management programs.

DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr said the department could shift some of the work involved with timber sales to loggers themselves.

"It's another model that allows us to do more timber sales with fewer people," Landwehr said

Some changes will require action by the legislature, and the DNR will have some proposals next year, he said.