Mary Jane Alm In Studio


"I've never really fit into any kind of box."

That's the answer you get when you ask Mary Jane Alm to try and talk about her musical career. She's been a part of the Minnesota music scene for decades, leading bands, doing the club scene and winning just about every popular vocal award in her field. But there is the question: what is her genre?

It's taken about 25 years for her to finally be convinced that she needed to get into the studio to record some of her new songs. So she scanned her notebooks (and those of some friends), picked a few covers and then the floodgates opened. Her new album is "Me and the Wild Blue".

Mary Jane came into the studio along with band mates Gordy Johnson and Boyd Lee to perform some music on Radio Heartland.

This in-studio feature aired on Radio Heartland October 20, 2011.