List of projects recommended for Legacy outdoors funds

The Lessard Sams Outdoor Heritage Council on Tuesday recommended spending up to $96 million on 29 projects and one grant program aimed at benefiting the outdoors. Below is the list of projects recommended to receive funding, along with the approximate amount they would receive. The Legislature will finalize and approve the list next year. Details about each project are available on the council's website.

• Protect habitat from Asian carp, $3 million to the Minnesota DNR

• Minnesota Buffers for Water and Wildlife II, $2.09 million to Pheasants Forever

• Minnesota Prairie Recovery Project 3, $4.61 million to the Nature Conservancy

• Cannon River Headwaters Habitat Complex II, $1.76 million to the Trust for Public Land

• DNR Wildlife Management Area Acquisition, $2.9 million to the DNR

• Northern Tallgrass Prairie National Wildlife Refuge Land, $1.58 million to the Nature Conservancy

• Accelerating the Wildlife Management Area Program Phase 4, $3.3 million to Pheasants Forever

• Accelerating the Waterfowl Production Area Program Phase 4, $5.4 million to Pheasants Forever

• Green Corridor Legacy Program Phase IV, $1.73 million to Redwood Area Development Corporation

• DNR Prairie/Grassland Habitat Restoration and Enhancement, $4.3 million to the DNR

• Habitat Restoration/Enhancement in the Anoka Sandplain Phase 2, $1.05 million to Great River Greening

• Enhanced Public Land Grasslands, $1.32 million to Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society • Protecting Mississippi River Cooridor Habitat ACUB Partnership, $480,000 to Morrison County Soil and Water Conservation District, Camp Ripley and the Board of Water and Soil Resources

• Mississippi River Northwoods Habitat Complex Protection, $14.04 million to the Trhust for Public Land and partners

• Northeastern Minnesota Sharp-tailed Grouse Habitat Partnership, $1.34 million to Minnesota Sharp-tailed Grouse Society

• Protect (Acquire) Key Forest Habitat Lands Cass County, $480,000 to Cass County

• Minnesota Moose Habitat Collaborative, $960,000

• RIM-WRP Partnership, $13.81 million to the Board of Water and Soil Resources

• Columbus Lake Conservation Area, $940,000 to Anoka County Parks and Recreation

• Living Shallow Lakes & Wetlands Initiative, $4.49 million to Ducks Unlimited

• Marsh Lake Enhancement, $2.63 million to the DNR

• DNR Aquatic Habitat Program, $3.48 million to the DNR

• Metro Big River Habitat Phase 3, $3.68 million to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Trust and partners

• Riparian and Lakeshore Protection/Management in Dakota County, $480,000 to Dakota County

• Lower St. Louis River Habitat Restoration, $3.67 million to DNR fisheries

• Minnesota Trout Unlimited Coldwater Habitat Enhancement Program, $2.120 million to Minnesota Trout Unlimited

• Grand Marais Creek Outlet Restoration, $2.32 million to Red Lake Watershed District

• Knife River Habitat Restoration, $380,000 to the Lake Superior Steelhead Association

• Conservation Partners Legacy Grant Program, $4.99 million allocated by the DNR