Ground Level Blog

Weigh In with your rural health story

They see patients who plead with neighbors to drive them to the hospital in order to save on the ambulance cost. They watch a heart attack victim trying to drive extra miles to an emergency room with a lower insurance co-pay. They see jawbones dissolve and vision deteriorate because people can't drive or can't afford the care to prevent it.


As part of Ground Level's coverage of rural health care, we asked nine doctors, nurses and other health professionals around Minnesota to tell us what it looks like where the patient meets the provider. As you can see, we got some compelling stories back.

You can view them on our new Weigh In page, and even better, you can add your own story by commenting at the bottom. Do you know someone who has faced a barrier to health care because of distance or money? Have you? What happened?

Join the conversation. We'll do this again in a week or so with another rural health care question so please come back.