IP's Tom Horner offers suggestions to break budget deadlock

Tom Horner
Independence Party gubernatorial candidate Tom Horner speaks after conceding the race on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010.
MPR Photo/Gina Reis

Governor Mark Dayton and republican legislative leaders will resume negotiations this afternoon, trying to reach a state budget agreement and end the partial state government shutdown.

The shutdown, of course, began last Friday, after an intense week of closed door negotiating sessions failed to lead to a budget agreement. Republicans reportedly agreed to increase state spending as the Governor had proposed but they couldn't agree with the Governor on an alternative to Governor Dayton's proposed income tax increase, which Republicans oppose. So talks broke down and the government shutdown.

This week both sides will try to put Humpty Dumpty back together again and during this hour of Midday, former Independence Party candidate for Governor, Tom Horner, joins us with some ideas on how he thinks this budget impasse might be resolved.