Shutdown timeline

May 23, 2011: The Republican-controlled Legislature adjourns after passing its budget bills to resolve a $5 billion budget deficit. In the days following, DFL Gov. Mark Dayton vetoes all the budget bills except the one funding the Department of Agriculture. Dayton predicts a shutdown.

June 2, 2011: GOP legislative leaders hold a hearing on Dayton's budget proposal. Dayton refuses to allow his finance and revenue commissioners to attend and announces his desire to have a mediator to help the two sides work out a budget deal.

June 6, 2011: Republican leaders offer to increase funding for K-12 education and public safety. But they don't agree to spend more than $34 billion overall, meaning more cuts would be needed elsewhere in the budget.

June 10, 2011: Layoff notices are sent to about 35,000 state workers.

June 14, 2011: The state Department of Human Services begins notifying clients that their state-subsidized health care, cash assistance, child care assistance and other programs could end if there's a shutdown.

June 15, 2011: Dayton outlines the state government services that should continue in a shutdown. The list is more limited than Attorney General Lori Swanson's court filing, and Republicans accuse Dayton of playing politics by not funding certain services.

June 16, 2011: GOP legislative leaders offer to take $200 million in tax cuts out of their budget proposals and instead use the money to fund schools, public safety and other programs. Dayton said the offer is disappointing because it still only spends $34 billion overall, forcing cuts that he said are too drastic.

June 23, 2011: Ramsey County Judge Kathleen Gearin hears arguments over what state services should be deemed essential and therefore continue during a state government shutdown. Gearin takes the case under advisement.

June 24, 2011: Republican legislative leaders and Dayton continue meeting to negotiate a budget deal. Work continues through the weekend, but no deal is reached.

June 27, 2011: A retired judge, Bruce Christopherson, hears arguments over whether the state's judicial branch should remain operating during a shutdown.

June 28, 2011: Christopherson orders the courts to keep operating during a shutdown.