Republican lawmaker wants voter ID requirement to be on 2012 ballot

Legislators who want to require Minnesotans to show a photo ID before they can vote say they now want the issue on the ballot in 2012.

Republican Sen. Scott Newman of Hutchinson said he was disappointed by DFL Gov. Mark Dayton's veto of the bill last month. That's why he's introducing legislation that would bypass Dayton and allow voters to make the changes through a constitutional amendment.

During a Capitol news conference on Tuesday, Newman said he wants to move quickly next year to pass the measure. But he said he would not try to bring it up sooner.

"It would not be my intention to move forward with this constitutional amendment during a special session. In my mind, the special session that I would anticipate will be forthcoming is going to be in resolution of any budget issues."

DFL Rep. Ryan Winkler of Golden Valley blasted the proposal as an infringement on voter rights. Winkler also claimed the measure is motivated by an extremist agenda.

"Republicans are unable to enact a balanced budget into law," Winkler said. "Yet they are able to cow tow to the extremist base of their party."