U of M's Humphrey School names new dean

Eric Schwartz
Eric Schwartz has been chosen to lead the University of Minnesota's Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Schwartz has spent 25 years in public service at the Department of State, the National Security Council, the United Nations and Congress.
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A U.S. State Department official has been named the new dean of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

Eric Schwartz has been chosen to lead the U's Humphrey School. Schwartz has spent 25 years in public service at the Department of State, the National Security Council, the United Nations and Congress.

Currently he's the assistant secretary of state for Population, Refugees and Migration.

He has also taught as a visiting lecturer at Princeton University.

The U of M's board of regents will vote on Schwartz's appointment at its June meeting. If approved he would take over at the Humphrey in October.

University officials say both U of M president Robert Bruininks, and president-designate Eric Kaler were consulted on the selection of Schwartz.