Records show timeline in Minn. school gun incident

Police records show about 40 minutes went by from the time a principal discovered a student had a gun at a Stearns County school until she was able to reach the school's police officer.

The St. Cloud Times, through a public information request, cites records which show Rocori Middle School Principal Cheryl Schmidt became aware a 13-year-old student had brought a gun to school about 9:20 a.m. on April 12. Schmidt reached Officer David Sutherland at 9:57 a.m. Records show Sutherland arrived at the school at 10:03 a.m.

Superintendent Scott Staska says the boy, the gun and ammunition found in his locker were in the principal's office while efforts were made to contact Sutherland. Staska says neither Schmidt nor anyone from Rocori called 911 or the police department directly when attempts to reach the school officer failed.


Information from: St. Cloud Times

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