GOP lawmakers tour state to talk budget impasse

Dean, Koch and Zellers
From left, House Majority Leader Matt Dean, Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch and House Speaker Kurt Zellers speak with the media before leaving for a tour of the state on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 to promote the GOP's efforts in the legislative session.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

A day after the Legislature adjourned without a final budget agreement, Republicans were insisting they did their job.

House and Senate leaders are flying around the state Tuesday to stress that they delivered a balanced budget that doesn't raise taxes. DFL Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed those GOP budget bills Tuesday afternoon. Sen. Geoff Michel, R-Edina, said Republicans are explaining the differences between their budget and Dayton's.

"Gov. Dayton started out here with his big tax increase and he never left it," Michel said. "His answer, his prescription for a economic recession and a state budget deficit is more taxes and more spending, and Minnesotans cannot afford that."

DFL party chairman Ken Martin criticized Republicans for flying around the state when they didn't complete their work. Martin said they should be talking to the governor about a special session and showing a willingness to compromise.